Kumana National Park

Kumana park sri lankan riders


Kumana National Park, located in the southeastern part of Sri Lanka, is a magnificent wildlife sanctuary renowned for its incredible biodiversity and stunning natural beauty. Covering an area of approximately 35,664 hectares, this national park is a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Kumana National Park in Sri Lanka is famous for its diverse and abundant birdlife, including migratory species. It is a renowned bird sanctuary attracting birdwatchers from around the world.

This Park showcases a diverse and captivating landscape. It encompasses scenic wetlands, lagoons, mangroves, and scrublands. The park’s varied terrain provides a picturesque backdrop for its abundant wildlife, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and photographers alike. Then, Exploring Kumana National Park is an adventure in itself. Jeep safaris are the primary mode of transportation, allowing visitors to traverse the park’s rugged terrain and get up close to its remarkable wildlife. Experienced guides accompany visitors, sharing their knowledge about the flora and fauna and ensuring a safe and informative experience.

Conservation efforts play a crucial role in Kumana National Park, with measures in place to protect its diverse habitats and animal species. The park is part of the larger Yala-Kumana Sanctuary, which forms a vital corridor for wildlife movement between various protected areas.

Kumana National Park Animals

This park is rich and diverse for wildlife. The park’s diverse ecosystems, including wetlands, lagoons, and scrublands, support a wide range of animal species. One of the main attractions of Kumana National Park is its birdlife. The park is a haven for both resident and migratory bird species, attracting birdwatchers from around the world. Over 200 bird species have been recorded in Kumana, including water birds, raptors, and numerous endemic and endangered species. Some notable birds found in the park include the Black-necked Stork, Lesser Adjutant, Painted Stork, and Grey-headed Fish Eagle.

In addition to its avian inhabitants, Kumana National Park is also home to various mammals. The park is known for its population of elephants, and visitors can often witness these majestic creatures roaming the grasslands or bathing in the park’s water bodies. Leopards, sloth bears and spotted deer. In addition wild boars and mongoose are among the other mammals that can be spotted in Kumana.

kumana park sri lanka
kumana sri lanka
kumana sri lanka
kumana sri lanka
sri lankan wildlife
sri lankan wildlife

Reptiles play a significant role in the park’s ecosystem as well. Crocodiles, water monitors, and various snake species, including the Indian python,  found in this National Park.

The park also supports a diverse amphibian population, with several species of frogs and toads adding to its ecological diversity.

Exploring Kumana National Park offers a unique opportunity to observe.  And also appreciate the incredible variety of animal life in their natural habitat. Finally, the park’s stunning landscapes and thriving wildlife make it a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.